Choosing Democracy Over Party? How Civic Education Can Mitigate the Anti-democratic Effects of Partisan Polarization (with Melek Hilal Eroglu, Steven Finkel, Anja Neundorf & Aykut Öztürk). British Journal of Political Science. Forthcoming.

Question-order Effects on Judgements under Uncertainty (with Rafael Novella). Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 2024.

Can Online Civic Education Induce Democratic Citizenship? Experimental Evidence from a New Democracy (with Steven Finkel & Anja Neundorf). American Journal of Political Science. 2023.

Anchors Matter: Eliciting Maternal Expectations on Educational Outcomes (with Pablo Branas-Garza & Riccardo Ciacci). Journal of Economic Psychology. 2022.

To pay or not to pay: Measuring risk preferences in lab and field (Pablo Branas-Garza, Lorenzo Estepa-Mohedano, Diego Jorrat & Victor Orozco). Judgment and Decision Making. 2021

Gender differences in altruism on Mechanical Turk: Expectations and Actual Behaviour (with Pablo Branas-Garza & Capraro Valerio). Economics Letters. 2018.

Social Networks and Citizen Election Forecasting: The More Friends the Better (with Debra Leiter, Andreas Murr & Mary Stegmaier). International Journal of Forecasting. 2018.

El Ingreso de los Hogares en el Mapa de Mexico (with Luis Lopez-Calva, Alvaro Melendez, Lourdes Rodriguez & Miguel Szekely). El Trimestre Economico. 2008.

Poniendo al Ingreso de los Hogares en el Mapa de Mexico (with Luis Lopez-Calva, Alvaro Melendez, Lourdes Rodriguez & Miguel Szekely). Economía Mexicana. 2007.

Mexico 2000-2002: Reduccion de la Pobreza con Estabilidad y Expansion de Programas sociales (with Miguel Szekely). Economía Mexicana. 2005.


Urban Growth and Poverty in Towns of Different Sizes. Perspectives on Poverty in India. Stylized Facts from Survey Data (with Angus Deaton, Stefan Dercon, Peter Lanjouw, Rinku Murgay, Martin Ravallion, and others). The World Bank. 2011.

Book chapter

Randomized Controlled Trials in Ulf Liebe (editor): Handbook of Quantitative Methods in Sociology. Edward Elgar. Forthcoming.

Crimen y Educación en México (with Andro Asatashvili Anton & Raúl Cepeda Suárez) in Gustavo A. del Ángel Mobarak (editors): La Economía Mexicana: Un Balance desde la Academia. 2024.


Mapping Subnational Poverty in Zambia (with Andreas Murr & Alejandro de la Fuente). The World Bank. 2015.

Under Review

Diffusion of mobile banking among rural women: Incentivizing local leaders vs. a marketing campaign (with Pablo Brañas-Garza & Jaromír Kovářík).

Building Democratic Support in Authoritarian Contexts: How Message Frames Matter (with Aykut Öztürk, Steven Finkel & Anja Neundorf).

(When) Does civic education work:Evidence from a cross-national online experiment (with Anja Neundorf, Aykut Öztürk & Steven Finkel.